
Articles Archive

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Date Title
30/9/2002 Food industry fights consumer concerns
30/9/2002 Modified pollen hits organic farms/Organic to GM, the risks
30/9/2002 The genetics revolution has failed to deliver
30/9/2002 World Bank forges ahead with transgenic crops
29/9/2002 Re: 'Support for food biotechnology holds in the US'
28/9/2002 Bt cotton in India "wiped out"
28/9/2002 Farmer to farmer in India + Other items on farming and aid
28/9/2002 Roundup associated with birth defects in humans
28/9/2002 The real board of directors/Royalty hurts GM cause
27/9/2002 Southern Africa's food aid crisis shamelessly engineered to score "political points" says leading US agronomist
25/9/2002 'Support for food biotechnology holds in the US'
25/9/2002 Case of missing (GM) bacteria
25/9/2002 EU parliament backs right to reject GM organisms/Leading environmental economist says GE all about profit
25/9/2002 New research confirms customers want GM-free honey
24/9/2002 Agribusiness, biotechnology and war
24/9/2002 Argentina's growth from adversity - Ecologist article
24/9/2002 GM mustard: Another scientific scandal in the making
24/9/2002 Phil Chandler's speech at BBKA conference on GMO-free honey
24/9/2002 Why Argentina can't feed itself - How GM soya is destroying livelihoods and the environment
23/9/2002 Biotech recruited to homeland defence
23/9/2002 Dr Maichael Antoniou on JIC study
23/9/2002 Tests on GM mustard sought in India
22/9/2002 British beekeepers stand firm on 6 mile limit
21/9/2002 Monsanto's PR firm receives silver inkwell awards
21/9/2002 Why Tricky Ricky's carping about GE fish campaign
20/9/2002 Frankenfoods get funkier
20/9/2002 Monsanto supporting multi-million dollar campaign to stop labelling
20/9/2002 South African govt in court over GM food crops
20/9/2002 World Food Programme secretly contaminated food aid for 7 years
19/9/2002 Biotechs fail to find cure for despair/Boardroom clearout at PPL
19/9/2002 Hype and hate in the Wall Street Journal
19/9/2002 John Innes loses Syngenta research alliance
19/9/2002 Monsanto - no change to Roundup Ready wheat approval strategy/GM crops could pass resistance to weeds
19/9/2002 Syngenta quits genome centre/Dear Prof Lamb...
19/9/2002 US drops bid to strengthen germ warfare accord
18/9/2002 Bayer accused of breaking Nuremberg code to boost profits
18/9/2002 Why we need GM - sponsored by the Natural Environment Research Council
17/9/2002 Conflicting reports on GM crops
17/9/2002 EU should target US GM food/Government approach to GM reporting illegal
17/9/2002 GM claims hit buffers
17/9/2002 GM wheat portends disaster for Great Plains
17/9/2002 More on "GM crops are economic disaster", incl executive summary
17/9/2002 Pro-GM report is "pure rubbish" and directly contradicted by the USDA
16/9/2002 Bayer plans to cut another 4,700 jobs
16/9/2002 Britain funds pounds 13.4m GM programme in third world
15/9/2002 GM crop taints honey two miles away, test reveals
15/9/2002 NGIN attacked on BBC's 'Talking Politics'
15/9/2002 Tewolde Egziabher - "One genuine hero" of Earth Summit
14/9/2002 Black propaganda campaign explained/Monsanto files applications with Philippine govt for commercializing Bt corn
14/9/2002 GM firm recruits Short's aid advisor
13/9/2002 "Public debate" launched on farm-scale evaluations for GM crops
13/9/2002 GM crops in Africa: Implications for small farmers/Video for UK farmers
13/9/2002 Understanding Prajateerpu through the politics of autonomy: A gendered perspective
12/9/2002 Japan asks WFP to supply Zambia with corns that are not GM/UN respects Zambia's rejection of GM food
12/9/2002 World Bank man put in charge of WSSD implementation
11/9/2002 Goodbye GMOs
10/9/2002 AFJN denounces imposing GM food aid on Africa/Zambia to get wheat instead of GM food
10/9/2002 GM crops - FAO's tool for survival
10/9/2002 GM food is getting everywhere, and other stories
10/9/2002 Schmeiser wants to take it to the Supreme Court
9/9/2002 "Many thousands are dying" in black propaganda campaign
9/9/2002 Allergies/FAO forum report/Scottish trials
9/9/2002 Flakash reveals Monsanto funding Greenpeace genocide campaign
8/9/2002 GMWATCH number 1 - monthly review
7/9/2002 South Asia, Canada farmers dialogue on future of agriculture
6/9/2002 Bt cotton fails in Maharashtra
6/9/2002 Ethics of GM-food labelling
6/9/2002 GM food and Orissa: The real story
6/9/2002 Small farmers from around the world fiercely opposed to GM/Uganda "totally against" GM seeds/US forces genetic foods on Africans
5/9/2002 Africa unites against GM to opt for self-sufficiency
4/9/2002 Jo'burg summit and why do the key GM food advocates oppose the Kyoto treaty?
4/9/2002 Rough ride for Powell at summit/Powell attacks Zambia and other southern African countries
3/9/2002 Fears over GM farm animals
2/9/2002 "Food Luddites let Africa starve"/Tainted aid
2/9/2002 Feeding the hungry and the bush fire of globalization
2/9/2002 GM foods: Fooling the world
2/9/2002 Plans to promote GM crops defeated
1/9/2002 Bayer found responsible for poisoning of children in Peru
1/9/2002 Blair's chief scientific advisor denounces US/GMOs and the Earth Summit/Zambian GM food aid decision highlights global problems
1/9/2002 Mr Chengal Reddy, the fake persuader?