Lotsaquotes / 1000 GMO-free zones on Earth Day (28/2/2005)

first tranche of quotes below taken from Jim O'Connor's excellent Irish 'Planorganic' website


The GM-free Ireland Network cordially invites you to collaborate in launching 1,000 local GMO-free zones throughout Ireland at 2pm on Earth Day, 22 April 2005.


"What I saw generically on the pro-biotech side was the attitude that the technology was good and that it was almost immoral to say that it wasn't good because it was going to solve the problems of the human race and feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And there was a lot of money that had been invested in this, and if you're against it, you're Luddites, you're stupid. There was rhetoric like that even here in this department. You felt like you were almost an alien, disloyal, by trying to present an open-minded view on some of the issues being raised. So I pretty much spouted the rhetoric that everybody else around here spouted; it was written into my speeches." US Secretary of Ag, Dan Glickman, under the Clinton Administration, post-departure.

'Like I said before, I would rather be fishing with my grandkids than fighting this but, by golly, somebody, somewhere, sometime has to take a stand.' - Percy Schmeiser speaking in Norfolk at the 2020 'Feeding or Fooling the World?' debate.

'For any scientist who wants a good job and a nice home with mortgage payments, he's not going to choose the Union of Concerned Scientists.' Hugh Gusterson, MIT, quoted in Science Good, Nature Bad: The Biotech Dogma.

'When we spliced the profit gene into academic culture, we created a new organism - the recombinant university. We reprogrammed the incentives that guide science. The rule in academe used to be "publish or perish." Now bioscientists have an alternative - "patent and profit." ' - Paul Berg, Stanford University.

July 2001 "...... in Genoa many fools have received their due." Andrew Apel, editor of the biotech industry's Agbionews, referring to the death and injury meted out by the brutal Italian police during the anti-globalisation demonstrations.

'Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men'. - Martin Luther King.

Every day in America, 250,000 people suffer food poisoning, 1,000 are hospitalised, and 25 die.

'For some, talk of sustainable agriculture sounds like a luxury the poor can ill-afford. But in truth it is good science, addressing real needs and delivering real results. For too long it has been the preserve of environmentalists and a few aid charities. It is time for the major agricultural research centres and their funding agencies to join the revolution.' New Scientist, 3 February, 2001.

'Humans, in the last 60 seconds of biological time, have made a rubbish tip of Paradise' - Irish environmental group, Voice.

It is poverty that denies people access to food; gene technology makes food even dearer and thus even less available to the poor. Political and financial will combined with safe, sustainable agricultural systems and a move towards vegetarianism realistically promise lasting solutions to world hunger and environmental conservation. ' Jim O'Connor, Hungry Hill, Cork, Ireland. Letter published in Time, Aug 28th '00, in reply to a pro-GM article by Bill Gates.

(But even captains of the GM industry say the same as above). 'If anyone tells you that GM is going to feed the world, tell them that it is not
To feed the world takes political and financial will'. Steve Smith, SCIMAC and Novartis (now SYNGENTA), Tittleshall Village Hall public meeting on proposed local GM farm scale trial, 29th March, 2000.

'The US and Europe account for 80% of world food exports - We are killing everything with our export subsidies' - Daniel Bove, London, June 2001.

'One cannot solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it.' - Einstein.

'The responsibility for ensuring safe, sustainable and ethical production is shared by consumers, producers and society.' - Sweden's Ag. Min., Margareta Winberg, April 2001 at EU meeting in Sweden.

'We don't know shit about biology.' - Craig Ventner the unraveller of the human genome.

Every 30 seconds a baby dies because it was not breastfed

FDA (US, Food and Drug Administration) estimate that 20% of chickens and 50% of turkeys contain toxins and that 80 million people "may get sick from factory-contaminated food", costing the nation $5 – $10 billion annually.

'The one benefit of the GM debate is that the average Joe is now talking about food security.' - Alex Wijeratna of the development agency, Action Aid, in Financial Times 8/9/’00.

'If Monsanto can collect fees from farmers who find their fields contaminated with GM crops, should computer users pay licence fees to the writers of computer viruses ?' New Scientist , April 28, 2001, Letters, p. 53, Paying the polluter,Thomas Ward, University of East Anglia.

'The challenge for western scientists is to develop a holistic science to help revitalise all kinds of non-corporate sustainable agriculture and holistic medicine that can truly bring food security and health to the world.' - Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, in a paper delivered to a US academy 16th April '01.

'Health issues are the killing fields for the biotech industry'. – PR firm quoted in NGIN, Newsletter, 18th March ’01.

'Just between you and me, shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging more migration of the dirty industries to the less developed countries?. The economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable. Under-populated countries in Africa are vastly under-polluted'. Internal memo, Lawrence Summers, chief economist, World Bank, 1991.

'We consider the use of the South's rural poverty to justify the monopoly control and global use of genetically modified food production by the North's transnational corporations, not only an obstructive lie, but a way of derailing the solutions to our Southern rural poverty. It is the height of cynical abuse of the corporations' position of advantage.' Joint statement signed by over 40 developing country NGOs.

Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger; 75% are children.

'Human health will continue to suffer on the anvil of profit'. – Dr R. Anderson.

'The hope of the industry (ABCs – AgBioTech Corps) is that over time the market is so flooded (with GM organisms) that there’s nothing you can do about it. You just sort of surrender!' Don Westfall, Vice President, Promar International, Washington, consultants to Kellogs, Unilever, Aventis etc. Full report, $5,000!

The global economy is worth $25 trillion. A trillion is 1,000 billion. !% of this would solve all poverty, healthcare and educational problems throughout the world.

A farmer on UK, TV discussion forum said in exasperation at environmentalists in the audience that, "Roundup is so safe you could drink it"!

"As we move on into this so-called biotech revolution and we start producing more and more transgenic manipulations, we'll start seeing pieces of DNA interacting with each other in ways that are totally unpredictable... I think this is probably the largest biological experiment humanity has ever entered into." - Ignacio Chapela

"As a scientist, I wouldn't drink milk from cows fed GM with the present state of knowledge". Professor Bob Orskov, OBE, Director of the International Feed Resource Unit (Aberdeen), quoted on www.farm.org.uk

"Anyone who looks into it (the WTO and Cancun) objectively cannot but be shocked at the way the rules are rigged." Mary Robinson, former Irish prsident, lately UN Hu


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